World Outreach
The World Outreach Ministry Team provides a way for our congregation to respond to the needs of our world. Crestwood gives to the Disciples Mission Fund, which is the cooperative effort of our denomination. We also provide funds to the Week of Compassion and other efforts through the Christian Church, Disciples of Christ.
Outside of our cooperative effort on the national and international front, there are a number of areas in which World Outreach is involved and provides funding. These include:
- Alternative Christmas Giving: donating to local non-profit agencies in lieu of/or in addition to traditional Christmas gifts.
- Refugee Ministries: helping international refugees resettle in Lexington.
- Habitat for Humanity: supporting local, national and international builds providing safe, affordable housing.
- Mission Trips: providing assistance locally, regionally and internationally.
- Mission Behind Bars and Beyond: Supporting incarcerated citizens, working to reduce recidivism.
- Christian Care Communities: supporting affordable senior living and long term care.
- Cane Ridge Meeting House: providing a historical context for our denomination.
- Funding for disaster relief as the need arises, especially through Week of Compassion.
- Reconciliation: working to eliminate racism throughout our churches and communities.
Click here to find Outreach Opportunities where you can make a difference!