Our Basic Beliefs
We are a congregation of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ). We do not have a formal creed but welcome all who believe in and seek to follow Christ.
Crestwood is one of a dozen Disciples congregations in the city of Lexington. It participates with other churches who make up the Christian Church in Kentucky. There are some 4,000 congregations with nearly a million members of the Christian Church (Disciples of Christ) in the United States and Canada.
Crestwood has always enjoyed an open spirit… encourages a friendly atmosphere… extends a hearty welcome to all persons… promotes a diversity in all matters… has developed an intentional sense of gender and racial inclusiveness… honors an acceptance and respect for different theological views… and constantly attempts to foster an awareness of the need for an ecumenical environment.
Crestwood’s Vision and Mission
Our Vision
Connecting People to God And Each Other
Our Mission
Crestwood Christian Church connects people to God and each other by being a community that welcomes and accepts all people; invites questions about how faith and life intersect; encourages people to take the next step in their spiritual journey; cares for each other and the stranger; and serves God through serving others.